Multi V-1, Sieger, Multi BISS Am/Can CH
Yngo van het Dornedal Am/Can CDX, Am TDX, Can TD, SchH3, FH, BST, BH, TT, CGC ARC Gold Sire | ARC Prico Award 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 | Top Producing Rottweiler in Breed History (RCC System)
| ARC Versatility Excellent | MRC/RCC Hall of Fame | CRC Gold Achievement Award | USRC SIlver Merit Award | 2003 #1 Rottweiler Overall - Canada | 2004 ARC Region V Specialty WD/BOW & Best in Specialty Show| 2003 MRC Specialty Winners Dog & Award of Merit | 2003 Sovereign Rottweiler Club Best in Specialty Show | 2002 RCC Northern Ontario Regional Specialty Best in Specialty Show | 2002 Rottweiler Club of Canada Spring Sieger| 2000 Canadian National Youth Sieger | 2000 USRC North Central Regional Youth Sieger OFA Hips: GOOD | OFA ELBOWS DJD1 Bilateral | OFA Cardiac NORMAL ECHO | OFA Patella | OFA Thyroid | CERF | Long Coat DNA Clear | JLPP Clear | CHIC # 19041
Multi BOB, V Rated CH. Silverheart's
Deerwood JorJetta Love Machine! IPO1 ZtP FPr1 BT CDX RAE BN OAP NJP OFP CA BCAT BH AD DN CGC TKN TKI TKA TKP TT AKC Achiever Dog 2017 American Rottweiler Club Top Ten Agility | 2016 Invite to AKC Rally National RAE | 2016 American Rottweiler Club Top Ten Excellent Rally | 2016 American Rottweiler Club Top Ten Advanced Rally | 2015 Invite to AKC Rally National Advanced | 2014 American Rottweiler Club Top Ten Rally Novice | 2014 invite to the AKC Rally Nationals Novice |
Colonial Rottweiler Club SILVER Achievement Award | Medallion Rottweiler Club Honor Roll OFA Hips: GOOD | OFA Elbows Normal | OFA Cardiac ECHO Normal |OFA Eyes Normal | OFA Thyroid | OFA Full Dentition | JLPP Carrier