Qissy is the yellow QaZoo who was destined to become the healing balm to Beth Jackson's broken heart. Only a few weeks before Qissy was born, Beth tearfully had to say good-bye to her beloved Blitz and let her cross the Rainbow Bridge. I am so very happy to say that Qissy is doing an incredible job of following in her Great Auntie Blitz's paw prints !!! Together with her "sister" Stormy, they are keeping Beth well supplied in SMILES!
Qissy 15 months old
15 month old Qissy visits Deerwood HQ !
Qissy and Stormy
Qissy and Stormy
Qissy earns her first Open Barn Hunt leg with a BLUE RIBBON!
Merry Christmas from Qissy and Stormy!!
Qissy enjoys being an Island Girl ! She takes advantage of all that lovely water around her!
Baby Qissy's first title....Novice Barn Hunt!!! Qissy and Beth have also been active in laying solid foundations in agility, obedience, herding , and rally.
Qissy and Beth! Their long awaited meeting!
Stormy's gets a bit excited to meet her new sister!